"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."
-George S. Patton


My Story

My Life Short Story


So this is my story. It's really an
un-spiced up story about me. But it's true and it's to the point. I
was born in a small town in England, by the name of Aylesbury, where
I was raised until I was at the age of five. In those years, I
learned to walk, but never to crawl. I also learned how to bookshelf
climb, and be a big bully of a big brother. I witnessed many things,
like watching my Mum give my Dad a nice bruise with a remote. They
never got along well, so by the time I was two, they'd had enough.
They ended the marriage and my Dad wasn't too happy because his kids,
me and my brother Jordan, would only get to see him once a week. He
went kinda crazy...lot's of crazy life. Anyways my Mum was a convert
to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and she had the
missionaries over all they time. They all loved her. One in
particular guy loved her more than the rest though. His name was
Boyd. He was a guy from the states. Their short and simple story was
that after his mission, he flew back over to England... blah blah
blah... He picked her up, and took her back here to visit. She liked
it,and as you can tell, and she decided to fly us all over here and
marry Boyd. Well we were poor...very poor. Money was tight, but
luckily we had a cool neighbor in American Fork, who gave us a
Nintendo. It was so amazing to me a Jordan. We were a couple kids who
could be pleased with the simplest of toys. That house was a lot of
fun, but it just wasn't big enough for us though. Boyd and my Mum
were very much in love, but we already had a full house, and they
wanted a couple kid right? So our next house was built for us in
nowhere else better than the famous PROVO...that's right. Mormon town
central. I loved it there though. Me and Jordan grew up probably 8 of
our years there, and we experienced a lot there. Both of our paths
were different though. We were very English, and for Jordan that was
a good thing, but for me it was another reason to pick on me. So I
grew up there and had a lot of people who made fun of me, and told me
to go back to England. Jordan on the other hand...everyone like him,
and he helped them to make me feel bad. Things changed for me when we
moved out to Riverton. We needed to move because Boyd was finding it
hard to live 50 some odd miles from work, and drive that trip
everyday. So we got a house maybe 25 minutes or so closer in a small
neighborhood, where we got to kind of start again. This time was
different for me. I hit a major growth spurt, and I started to play
football. It was right before school got back in. All the football
guys helped me get a little more popular, but I never really felt
like I wanted to be a part of a clique like that, so I still just did
my own thing. And everyone was a little cooler. Well as you can sense
a pattern in my life, we needed to upgrade...again. We built a new
house, but this time my parents liked the city a lot more so we moved
up the road to Herriman. It wasn't a big deal. I still went to the
same school. And then High School happened. I started off in the
band, and it seemed like some huge clique...well cliques aren't my
thing, so I steered clear of that. And I got into some trouble with a
senior in my sophmore year, and everyone in the band ended up hating
me...I guess there's a lot of people in the band. Anyways...I kept my
head down, and in the spring I took up track. I guess I turned out to
be pretty good, cause I went to state the first year I tried it. I
did it again the next year too, but I was really good at that, but
not so good at keeping my love life moving along. I was a really big
screw up with girls in my junior year. Just got into doing things
that I wasn't proud of with lot's of girls, and messed up my life. It
just made me really miserable. In my senior year so far, I've come a
long way though. I met a girl named Emily who was an absolutely
amazing girlfriend to me, but she moved to Idaho, and things happened
that just made the relationship need to end. I was back to my old bad
habits after that until I pulled my head out of my butt, and started
to make restitution, and change my life. I met a girl that is
absolutely positively amazing, but I know that dating around is the
best thing for us, because I'll just end up ruining it, knowing me.
But I've really had a helluva ride, and in only a short 17 years.

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